Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Getting Back in the Groove...

After enjoying my weekend without studying or homework, I figured it's time to start working on my project for this class. I selected "Children & Education in Japan" which, to me, means studying the workings of Japan's education system including its history and politics as well as the success of their students on a global scale. I also plan to include studies regarding the psychological effects which the stresses of the Japanese school system have on their students and the Ministry of Education's responses to these issues.

If anyone reading this can think of any other areas of study in which I should pursue, I would be happy to hear them.


  1. The most recent Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) from 2008 shows that Japan is either third or fourth in the world in mathematics and science (tested at grades 4 and 8). See: http://tinyurl.com/pp8c82

    Only Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong were ahead of Japan in most of these measures.

  2. Thanks for the info! I have been gathering information and research during my spare time and have found several articles referencing the TIMSS scores in past years. This will help me keep my info current. ^_^
